Tuesday, March 20, 2007

pretty. dumb.

So, I tried to alter one of my poems by burning the edges of the paper. Turns out, the crayon I used to color over my words with is highly flammable. One decent "RULES" poem literally up in smoke. Set off my smoke alarm and everything!

I won't be there Friday, unless you all want to come into Bruegger's Riverside for the meeting (you don't, trust me), but I'll have some poems none-the-less.

1 comment:

jpc said...

Yikes! You know, crayons ARE made of wax......

I've been working on photocopies of my originals so that I could put two pages side-by-side to see what sort of fun that would be. So far it's made it easier to think of the whole thing as a sort of picture. I don't think the results are entirely successful, but at least I have an excuse to color. JP